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InnoCarnival 2024

The "InnoCarnival 2024," organized by the Innovation and Technology Commission, is being held at the Hong Kong Science Park from October 26th to November 3rd. The event showcases various local innovative inventions and research achievements. This year's expo is also a highlight event celebrating the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

We are honored to participate in this event, showcasing our latest robotic products and application solutions to the visiting guests and the general public. We hope everyone enjoys the event and gains a better understanding of the significance of innovation and technology in daily life. Thanks for the support. Until next time!

創新科技署主辦的「創新科技嘉年華2024」於十月二十六日至十一月三日在香港科學園舉行。活動以「科技引路 創新啟航」為主題,展出多項本地創新發明和科研成果。今年的嘉年華亦是慶祝中華人民共和國成立75周年的亮點活動之一。

我們 Novelte 亦有幸參與其中,向前來參觀的嘉賓和市民大眾展示我們最新的機械人產品以及應用方案 ,希望大家能夠在嘉年華中渡過快樂的時光,並且能更加了解創科對市民日常生活的重要性,啓發大家對創科的興趣,下次再見!

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